By Sallieu Sankoh (Center)
27 April 2020

In 1961, you fought for independence
Growing up as a humble girl-child
With admiration and beauty
With so much praises,
Mama, you're indeed pretty
And we heard about your past glory
Once, the 'Anthens of West Africa'
Your loyalty or maybe royalty and achievements are still in the archives
Your first generation of children was quite patriotic
Like its predecessors, the present is as well optimistic
Mama, we must commend your efforts, your motherly pains
But in all, we say thanks to the Almighty
You smashed down colonialism,
You kicked away imperialism
You conquered civil war,
Then came the Ebola epidemic
And now a global Pandemic
Soon to reach the retirement age
My question is, where are the legacies?
Dear Mama Salone,
As you're soon to get grand kids,
Advise your children to stop corruption, misappropriation of family funds, favouritism and nepotism, tribalism and regionalism
For these societal menaces are what is destroying us as a family
Let the younger ones respect their elders,
These days, they shame them online,
Humiliate them 'big time'
The elders must be regarded
For they're our breadwinners
Mama, even though you taught us about unity, freedom and justice,
Yet; our siblings are fond of disunity, restriction of people's rights, mob justice and injustice
Sometimes, we try to run away from you, but as it's said 'Mama na wan' and there's no place like home
On behalf of the entire family in the lion mountain,
We wish you a happy independence anniversary
May you live to serve us well,
More transformation, longevity and prosperity
Happy Independence Day Sweet Mama Salone!
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